Daniel Torunian

Sequoia Union High School District, Trustee Area B

Lift-up all students.
Prepare them for the Future.
Operate with Accountability & Transparency.

Why I am running

There is always an opportunity to do better and we should never stop striving to do better, especially when we are speaking about educating our youth.

“Our goal should be to lift-up all students!”

These students will eventually go on to various careers and professions. Many will eventually start families and some may go on to be our next generation of leaders.

It is our responsibility to ensure that students receive the best education possible to prepare them for their journey ahead so they are equipped to compete and succeed in whatever path they choose.

Our school district should be representative of our county. San Mateo County is one of the wealthiest and highest tax counties in the country. It is also home to the leading technology companies in the world.

The level of education our students receive (the return on investment) should be indicative of that dynamic. I would like to see more tech investment in our schools and curriculum that takes into account the skills required to pursue a productive career, whether in business, government or highly paid blue collar jobs. Our world is becoming more and more complex and we must prepare students to navigate that complexity.

Having worked for over 44 years in corporate America, I have seen first-hand what skills and attributes it takes to be successful. I have also experienced what it takes to run large organizations with big budgets and to bring diverse groups together to solve complex problems.

I would like to apply my experience and learnings to the role of Trustee and help prepare our next generation of students to be successful.